Implementation drivers refer to the key infrastructure elements needed to support practice, organizational, and systems change necessary for successful implementation of a program or practice. All aspects of infrastructure for the program or practice should be developed specifically to ensure successful implementation that advances improved and equitable outcomes for all individuals and families.
Read more about best practices for assessing implementation infrastructure.
What Tools or Resources Are Available to Assess Infrastructure?
Implementation support practitioners can use the following resources to assess implementation infrastructure:
- The Qualitative Drivers Assessment: This assessment tool can be used to help define the infrastructure needed to implement an intervention, program or practice.
- The Drivers Best Practices Checklist: This self-assessment tool can be used as an initial diagnostic or with grantees who want to complete a self-assessment before embarking on the full, facilitated assessment.
- The Drivers Best Practices Assessment: This assessment tool can be used during any stage of implementation to assess the extent to which sites have the necessary infrastructure in place to use a specific program or practice. This version has been adapted from the National Implementation Research Network’s Drivers Best Practices Assessment to include a more explicit race equity lens.
Implementation support practitioners can also use the following supporting resources:
- Drivers Best Practices Tip Sheets: These resources provide brief information and tips for installing and improving drivers best practices to support the development of staff competency and hospitable organizations and systems.
- Drivers Action Plan: This template helps a team identify and plan for strategies for strengthening their infrastructure based on results of the Drivers Best Practices Assessment or Drivers Best Practices Checklist
- Composition Analysis Template: This template is used to capture and reflect on the characteristics of the team completing the assessment, including levels of authority, experience, knowledge of the subject and demographics.